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Fred Koschara


Blasts from the past

Oct. 13, 2022, under Uncategorized

So I’ve been reviewing some of the things I published on LinkedIn …

Condos at L5 – $10,000 down – apparently updating an article doesn’t bump it up as more recent – that’s got to be done by hand:  If I want to make what’s probably my best bet for getting to the first million of my $50 trillion project, I’ve got to make it a “Featured” article in my profile.

Race To Space, Introduction 2.0 – some details are obsolete, but I would like to spend time writing a more detailed business plan

NASA’s plans, Sept. 11, 1969, and what they mean today – more about why…

The most precious slice of the pie – TL;DR – “sports and leisure” – the one that doesn’t exist

Why am I looking for a job?? – a previous edition of Deja vu

To get a J.O.B. or to not get a J.O.B., … and To get a j.o.b. or to not get a j.o.b., part 2 – yet another previous edition of Deja vu

Death by Social Distancing – still relevant even after most of the COVID-19 restrictions have “gone away”

Stop calling videos “webinars”​ PLEASE! – the title says it all…

How NOT to run an employment service – I haven’t been back to Upwork whatever name they’re now using since

This is not “best practices” – it was then Dice, GoDaddy and AppNexus, similar things abound today

Facebook support isn’t – as if there weren’t enough other reasons to not be part of the “Facebook nation”

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