There are people who ask me what I'm trying to do with my life. It's simple, really: I'm trying to save the world. On one hand, I'm trying to build a privately funded space program - privately funded because government funding is subject to the whims of those in power, and because it's never going to happen unless there's a profit to be made. I want to move off-planet, and make money doing so. In the process, I expect
On the other hand, I'm trying to fix a few of the injustices I see in the world around me: I would like to restore responsibility and reason to American politics. ( I suspect building the privately funded space program will be less work... ) When I retire, I want a room with a view - of the rings of Saturn standing on the horizon. I'll probably have to be living on Titan for that to happen... If you like the work I'm doing, you can use the buttons below to send me a donation to support my efforts. All contributions will be sincerely appreciated! These buttons enable you to make a donation through PayPal, using your credit/debit card or an electronic check. If you don't already have a PayPal account, you can quickly and easily set one up, for free, during this process.
If you would rather make a donation by (physical) check or money order, please mail it to: