Fred Koschara - My official personal Web page

The Internet Home of

Fred Koschara

52A Noyes Road
Londonderry, NH 03053-2402
May 30, 1997
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Post Office Box 4001
Woburn, Massachusetts 01888-4001
Dear Sirs:
I have no record of any contract I signed that would obligate me for the $11,190.72 you appear to be attempting to collect, per the enclosed letter I have received from you. Please supply a copy of the contract I signed, in advance, that indicated the amount that would be due, and the goods and/or services I was purchasing. If you are unable to supply said contract, I must demand that you cease and desist your attempts to collect this amount, and that you remove any derogatory comments from any and all credit reporting agencies you have put in place.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Fred Koschara
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