You can find more details about my background and experience on my Resume page, which includes live links where more information is available on the Web. There are four PDF versions of my resume available for download:
As always, I am also ready and willing to discuss any of the opportunities on my Current Projects page with qualified investors.
I'm tired of living my life alone, with no one to share sunsets or enjoy movies, no tender touches or cuddling, and lacking those things makes my work seem empty because I don't have someone to share the joys of success with.
I'd like to share my time with a pretty, intelligent, thoughtful young woman.
I'm looking for someone who's attractive, available, aware, and cooperative to excite and inspire me without trying to run my life: I'm neither looking for a boss nor a domme, I'm looking for a partner to help me build a much better future. I have an overwhelming preference for women in skirts, especially ones who are slender: Given a choice, I will almost always pick the gal who's wearing a dress over one in pants, and if there are two pretty women in skirts, I will probably pick the less chesty one.
Send me an email if you want to know more...